lördag 29 november 2008


Today I was at a local craft show that is called Deajnmarknad (design market), there were a certain lack of people coming to buy things, but it is always so much nice people selling nice stuff so it was fun anyway, I drank a whole lot of coffee on empty stomach so in the end of the day my hands started to tremble terribly so that hemming my newly woven napkins turned out to be a bit tricky. I like having things to do with my hands at all times, time spent with nothing to do with your hands are wasted time for me, the only time that my hands are out of work is when I sleep ;)

My table

I had a hard time getting people to take my moocards, they did not seem to understand that there were business cards as well, so people only took my big cards.

My new chokers, I really like them ^^

torsdag 27 november 2008


Okey, so now I'm actually trying this blog again, giving it a new chance! So yes, this will be my "I make stuff" blog in english of course, since swedish people can just look at my life on learningtofly.bilddagboken.se I don't miss a day on that place. It is really odd that I can not keep a blog alive, or well, I have a blog, but it is my blog were I whine about life. this should be here for inspiration and I WILL try to update it at least once a week or something. Remember that I said try.